About Me
Overwhelmed by the idea of homeshooling?
Short on time?
As Chief Operating Officer of practically everything with your homeshool and trying to be a wife and a mom and take care of the house…
You need a break somewhere… I’ve been there!
Welcome to Katie’s Homeschool Cottage!
I share tips, fun ideas, and resources and curriculum to help you make homeschooling easier and less stressful so you have more time to enjoy your time with your children and learning together!
After years of homeschooling and teaching, I am developing curriculum that is ready for you to use and for your children to use on their own.
- Nature Studies
- Unit Studies
- Notebooking Pages with topic, book, and activity suggestions
- Writing a 5 Paragraph Essay self-paced online course at our new Academy for advanced Middle and High Schoolers
- Coming Soon…. Middle and High School Novel Studies with Video Instruction
To look at our available homeschool resources, visit our Shop.
To look at our online recorded class offerings, visit our Academy.
To read about various homeschooling tips and topics, visit our Blog.
And make sure you take a look at our suggested homeschool resources with free samples and discounts!
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