Looking for answers as to how to teach language arts in your homeschool? I have fun and easy to use, practical tips with suggested resources, notes, and materials for you to use!
To listen to each podcast, just click on the title or the picture for the topic you are interested in. Each Podcast has an audio to listen to and a page for Show Notes where you will find helpful information, resources, links, and downloadable resources to assist you in homeschooling Language Arts for all ages in your home!
If you don’t see a topic you would like to hear about, please contact me using the Contact Me box at the bottom of the Home page and let me know. I’d love to hear from you!
Are you worried or wondering what you need to include in your writing during the high school years for credit and to prepare your learner to apply to college or for college classwork? This podcast and list in the Show Notes will help you see what kind of writing and the types of essays that your high schooler should be practicing.
Here is very practical assistance in what should be included in your learner’s first essay and beyond.
Listen in to this podcast and take a look at the Show Notes for helpful and practical tips to get your reluctant writer over the “deer caught in headlights” look and the overwhelm of a blank piece of paper.
I take you step by step in how to start writing in early ages up through upper elementary and middle school. There is also a long list of suggestions to get your ones practicing writing every day in quick and small, practical ways that they won’t even realize they are practicing.
Do ever wonder if it’s really beneficial to read what we call “classic literature”? Are you intimidated by the idea of “reading the classics”?
In this podcast and in the show notes you will find valuable information and how to’s in studying “the classics” and getting the most out of the time and your efforts! And, yes, it is definitely something you want to include during the middle and high school years! And, yes, it is most certainly worth the effort! You’ll be surprised by all of what you and your learners will get out of it!
This is the essential guide you need to read books and study literature. If you want to do something more than just read a book and move on to the next or you are tired of just discussing the book and answering questions, this podcast and guide in the show notes is for you!
I’ve shared an extensive list of different kinds of projects and activities for different learning styles and interests to capture the attention of any reader and involve them in interacting with their books, not just read it and put it down.
Listen in to this podcast as I share tons of fun ways to get your reluctant reader onboard and enjoying reading. There are lots of practical tips, tricks, and ideas to approach and practice reading here. There are also lists of suggested book titles just right for readers with varying interests and abilities.
Listen in as I share different ways to study grammar for different age groups and for all your learners with different learning styles. I recommend different techniques and curriculum resources to use depending on the kind of learning styles you have in your home.
What do you need to include during the middle school years in Language Arts to make sure your learner is ready to tackle high school work? What kind of Language Arts and English program would colleges be looking for and what can count as credit for the high school transcript?
This podcast includes an outline with some specific areas to make sure you include them in your Language Arts study during these critical years. I suggest and discuss curriculum resources I found useful in my homeschool when my sons were in middle and high school that work efficiently and effectively to meet English requirements and make sure your learner is prepared for the next step – moving from middle into high school or high school into college.
This podcast shares fun ways to enjoy and learn about poetry for all your learners from elementary through high school. Poetry doesn’t have to be boring! Fun activity ideas and recommended materials to use in your poetry study are included. You don’t want to miss this one!
Brush up your Shakespeare with this podcast! You will love the ideas discussed to bring understanding and fun to your study of Shakespeare for learners of all ages! Practical tips, fun ideas, and some free resources to print and use to throw your own Shakespeare themed party are on this Notes page with this podcast! You will be surprised by how many words we use everyday that Shakespeare created!
Are you wondering what we mean by “higher order thinking skills” or “critical thinking skills”?
And what do you do with them and how do you teach them to your children? And how are you supposed to do that with reading?
This podcast explains what higher order thinking skills are, why they are important, and how you can practice them with your children in fun and easy ways.
The time to start reading and developing language skills in your young learner is now.
Reading at least 15 minutes per day from the time your child is an infant and even through high school will not only promote a bond with your child and an enjoyment in reading, but help develop vocabulary, reading, and writing skills.
This podcast shares step by step how to easily develop language skills in your young learner with practical tips, resources, and book and activity ideas that help you get started right away.
Do you wonder if you are teaching everything you need to during the elementary school years for what is called “Language Arts”? And how are you going to cover everything plus other subjects during the day? This podcast has helpful solutions for you!