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Free Pi Day Head Band


Download and print this Pi Day Head Band with a picture of an apple pie and 3.14 for you and your children to wear while learning about Pi. This visual will help them remember 3.14 while they learn about circles and the math involved in measuring.

Plus it’s a festive addition to the day when learning about and celebrating Pi on March 14th!

My guys loved wearing these head bands and never forgot the formulas we learned that day and what 3.14 was all about!

While you are learning about Pi, you may want to tie in a unit study about Ancient Greece and the mathematicians that helped to discover and shared a number of math concepts!

This Make your own ABC Book about Ancient Greece would be perfect to tie math and history and other subjects together!

It has resources you can use for your research with learning activities, suggestions to make your own book about Ancient Greece and enjoy your unit study, and topics to choose from to study from A to Z, and notebooking pages with for each letter of the alphabet with assorted images and line spacing to choose from!

Make sure you read this post – Celebrate Pi Day on March 14th with free Printable Head Band with lots of ideas, resources, and links mentioned to make your Pi Day celebration a wonderful day of learning!

You’ll find book lists that make understanding the concept of Pi, measuring circles and math surrounding some of these geometry concepts easy to understand for everyone while having fun at the same time. These stories are fun and understandable to most ages.

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Download and print this free Pi Day Head Band with a picture of an apple pie and 3.14 for you and your children to wear while learning about Pi. This visual will help them remember 3.14 while they learn about circles and the math involved in measuring.

Plus it’s a festive addition to the day when learning about and celebrating Pi on March 14th!

My guys loved wearing this free Pi Day head band and never forgot the formulas we learned that day and what 3.14 was all about!

While you are learning about Pi, you may want to tie in a unit study about Ancient Greece and the mathematicians that helped to discover and shared a number of math concepts!

This Make your own ABC Book about Ancient Greece would be perfect to tie math and history and other subjects together!

It has resources you can use for your research with learning activities, suggestions to make your own book about Ancient Greece and enjoy your unit study, and topics to choose from to study from A to Z, and notebooking pages with for each letter of the alphabet with assorted images and line spacing to choose from!

Make sure you read this post – Celebrate Pi Day on March 14th with free Printable Head Band with lots of ideas, resources, and links mentioned to make your Pi Day celebration a wonderful day of learning!

You’ll find book lists that make understanding the concept of Pi, measuring circles and math surrounding some of these geometry concepts easy to understand for everyone while having fun at the same time. These stories are fun and understandable to most ages.



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