Just like our Nature Study, Nature Journals, and Poetry Through the Year book, this nature study uses nature to introduce more formal scientific study topics and areas. So to use an old saying, “You can have your cake (Charlotte Mason style nature study) and eat it too (study more traditional science topics).
If you’re like me, you like the idea of bringing your kids out into nature, enjoying the current season and appreciating the little things in your surroundings. However, you might be concerned about covering science as an academic subject.
The Summer Nature Study and More has been taken out of our year long study and made into its own ebook for those of you who want to pick and choose which season you want to study at a time and wish to purchase something at a lower cost to you than our Nature Study, Nature Journals, and Poetry Through the Year ebook.
This nature study has you observing the summer season during the months of June, July, and August. (Each season has the 3 months listed that they cover and all have the same features listed below.) There are several suggested topics to observe each month. Just like our larger ebook, this 85 page ebook includes:
- suggested nature study books to use alongside our practical nature study suggestions
- poetry about the topics of nature study
- living book lists for each topic for each month
- suggested activities to do during your nature walk or after the walk
- questions to ask during the walk to help your child focus or discuss their observations about a topic you want to study on your walk
- scientific connections: topics of formal science subject areas – includes living book lists and activity or experiment ideas to extend your scientific study
- nature journal pages to print and use to keep a nature journal
- suggested book list for keeping nature journals and drawing from nature
For example, this nature study will ask you to observe, read about, discuss, and explore water habitats and their inhabitants. That is your topic for one month. (There are others to choose from as well, if you wish to do something different or do more than one topic for each month.) From the idea of this topic, you extend your nature study into a formal scientific study into physical science with a study of the moon’s influence on the ocean and waves.
This nature study supplies you with what you need if you want to use the poetry for copywork (you can use the included nature journal pages and include the copywork in your nature journal), read about topics in nature, bunny trail ideas into formal scientific study, and links and suggestions for more research, activities, and experiments into topics in the fields of biology, physical science, and chemistry.
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